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Be Kind to You.
Try Yoga

Hi, I'm Sue Burden

As a Hatha Yoga teacher, my passion is Yoga for all ages. My special connection is with the over 50 age group wishing to exercise smarter rather than harder. No matter your age, I believe the mat can be a place of release, escape from our thoughts & emotions to reach the ultimate in mindfulness.

My yoga philosophy is be kind to yourself. This opens the doors to calming breathing, allowing stretching and free movement resulting in stress relief, balance, compassion and a connection with ourselves


Offering yoga practice from beginner through to intermediate, as well as, chair, yin, sculpting, Pilates, restorative and even Aerial. I enjoy exploring new class styles and teachers. I am on my quest to Be the Best Me.


Just added Aqua Yoga to my portfolio of teaching opportunities.  I am looking  forward to offering the yoga mind and body connection to those who have physical challenges of being on a mat or chair.  It is a fun way to exercise and build a community too.

Join me on the mat or water to become The Best You!

Studio Classes

I believe yoga is for all ages and skill levels.  I offer a buffet line of modifications allowing everyone to receive the maximum out of the class. 

Ability to teach beyond gentle flow or vinyasa including chair, yin, aerial, mobility/stretch, core and more.


Online Classes

Interested in joining a virtual class? Complete the contact form if interested in an online class.  Please include days/times most convenient and level/style of yoga preference. My goal is to have at least one on-line class per week.


Private Sessions

Want some one-on-one instruction? I offer private sessions for those who 

who are looking for personalized stretch and flow stylized for their individual skills and physical abilities. or those who are unable to attend my scheduled classes.

Yoga is the dance between control & surrender - a part of the open-ended exploration of your being.

Joel Kramer

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